Frequently Asked Questions

Has Oak Grove always been in Fargo?

Yes, 正规的棋牌平台排行榜始建于1906年,当时是正规的棋牌平台排行榜路德教会女子神学院, 这是一所女子高中,当时她们的母亲在美国还没有资格投票. Boys were admitted in 1926. 今天的北校区是路德女子神学院的原址.

Is Oak Grove accredited?

Yes. 认证向家长保证学校符合全面的质量标准, performance and student achievement. 自1926年以来,正规的棋牌平台排行榜一直被Cognia及其前身组织认可. In fact, 在北达科他州或南达科他州,没有一所私立学校比正规的棋牌平台排行榜学校获得认证的时间更长, according to Cognia. The current accreditation runs through June 2027.

Is Oak Grove a Christian school?

Absolutely. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜从路德教会的角度提供基督教教育和经验. 学校的使命是明确的:通过培养学生的学术成就来表达上帝的爱, lifelong Christian commitment, and loving service throughout the world. In fact, 今天的使命宣言反映了学校最初使命宣言中的理想. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜隶属于美国最大的路德教会团体ELCA.

Do I need to be Lutheran to attend Oak Grove?

橡树园欢迎来自所有宗教的儿童和家庭,并理解学者, 信仰和服务交织在一起,成为正规的棋牌平台排行榜体验的一部分.

Do students attend chapel regularly?

Yes. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜每天早上在北校区和星期二早上在南校区举行教堂服务. Parents are invited to attend!

How big are the classes at Oak Grove?

Good question. 幼儿园和一年级每间教室最多16名学生,2-5年级每间教室最多20名学生. Stated another way, 理想情况下,学校在幼儿园和一年级招收大约64名学生,在2-12年级每个年级总共招收60名学生. The student-to-faculty ratio is approximately 14-to-1.


学生们应该“以一种尊重其他学生权利和促进基督教教义的方式行事”,” as written in the Student Handbook. 换句话说,学生应该反映学校的 Shared Values through their words and actions.

Is Oak Grove an RIC school?

No. Reconciling in Christ (RIC), a movement started in 1983, is a program that helps faith communities, primarily churches, 支持所有性取向和性别认同的人. 法戈-摩尔黑德地区的一些教堂被指定为RIC.

Does Oak Grove teach critical race theory (CRT)?

No. 批判种族理论是一种主要在社会学中使用了40多年的研究方法. 它可以作为大学社会学研究生课程的一部分来教授, political science, law or history, not in a high school.




Individually. Our students are God’s children. During the past several years, 一小部分学生在正规的棋牌平台排行榜就读期间探索了性别认同. 学校的做法是把学生(和他们的家人)作为个体一起走, 尊重他们的隐私,同时承认其他学生对新动态的担忧或不确定性. Most importantly, 学校的实践反映了学校的使命宣言:通过培养学生的学术成就来表达上帝的爱, lifelong Christian commitment, and loving service throughout the world. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜是一个安全的地方,所有学生都有权利学习. 为学生探索性别认同提供的便利,首先是与家长对话,并听取有资格评估性别焦虑的医学专业人士的意见. From there, 正规的棋牌平台排行榜领导将决定如何学生的需求可以满足人们的现实, facilities and scheduling. 学术人员为有学习困难的学生,如自闭症或阅读障碍的学生,以及表现出天才学习者特征的学生提供住宿. School leaders, working in tandem with parents, 对探索性别认同的学生进行类似的调整.

Are any Oak Grove students LGBTQIA+?

这是学生和家长的私事. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜是一个安全的地方,所有上帝的孩子都有权在这里学习. 橡树园教师和工作人员专注于培养学生作为个人的学术成就, lifelong Christian commitment, and loving service throughout the world, as noted in the mission statement.

Does Oak Grove have a policy on bullying?

Oak Grove does not tolerate bullying. The school has a policy that is reviewed each year.

Is Oak Grove liberal or conservative?

Neither. Oak Grove is a school; faculty and staff are committed to providing an environment that nurtures students for academic achievement, lifelong Christian commitment, and loving service throughout the world. The school is not a political entity.


Yes … and the Lord’s Prayer, too. Every day.

Does Oak Grove offer sports?

Yes … and a couple club teams, too! 正规的棋牌平台排行榜有10支运动队在格罗弗斯的旗帜下, 学生们积极参加其他13项与邻近学校合作举办的体育项目.

What other extracurricular activities are available?

学校的戏剧作品每年吸引数百名赞助人. The choir usually completes a spring tour each year, and the band holds its concerts on the North Campus. The debate team started in recent years. 慈善与青年(PaY)在高中生中培养奉献精神,并提供技能发展. More than 20 area schools participate in the program. 其他选择还包括培养领导力的关键俱乐部, National Art Honors Society, Robotics/STEM club, and a popular afterschool Board Game club. 从历史上看,正规的棋牌平台排行榜的学生通过旅行机会和宣教旅行来学习.

What’s a Grover?

Thinking globally, a Grover is a student, parent, alumni, teacher, staff member or supporter of Oak Grove. 看看吉祥物,Grover就是在森林里工作的人. 这所学校被命名为正规的棋牌平台排行榜,因为原来的建筑被红河半岛上的橡树所包围. 历史悠久的北校区和毗邻的城市公园仍然有几十棵橡树.

Does the mascot have a name?

Timber. 学生们通过2022年举行的竞赛选择了这个名字.

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